Thursday, January 25, 2007

Post 1

Okay, so you’ve just finished typing in to your web browser and take a sip of your monster energy drink. The first thing that you cannot escape from is noticing the red tinted background at a subconscious level and a conscious level in those first bars at the bottom right corner. (Which indicates how complete the page is, so you probably have only ¼ of the page done, but you can see the colors. Personally, the color came off to me as an average bold scheme. ) The hyperlinks on the page are just the titles of some internet news article that are “a little fresh” as I would say. Maybe they are scientific breakthroughs, pop psychology, or just text like Biggest Russian Spammer Got Killed, which is enough of a justification to put those pesky ads on the right hand so the owner can make a little extra cash to fund the bandwidth hog behind the log in screen.
Of course you can see the medium is a website with interesting stuff with an average bold color scheme. BUT, with a log-in screen…..
“How are we going to get in?” is what you could be thinking. I’m a member, duh! Ok, typing in password…. And now for the log-in. Hmm I did it reverse. Voila! I’m in and I’m taken to a light blue sky vanilla color scheme, (which is the default, you can change it to whatever color you want using the codes like #FFFFFF(white) and #99CC00(color of leaves in spring)). Ah so as a member I take a look at the poll to the right, usually posted six months earlier.
I’m going to get to the jest of the game I’m playing between me and the word count. This site is a sub genre of the information sites with the regards is that it is a cumulative link site, and by links I mean links to anything regarded to anything that is on the net. Is it an ambiguous claim? Yes. Also I think it’s kind of biased because I use this site.
Luelinks is basically a site where a very private place of about 10000 members (More explanation in Post 2), has accumulated about half a 139000 links. Some examples of links in my favorites is Legend of Hidden Temple Episodes, Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory, and Sign up for a Tree!
The interface is composed of simplicity. At the top of the screen in luelinks you have a simple toolbar that directs you to over 10 areas of the site that only takes up 1/30th of the screen. Then the stuff is in the rest of that fraction to equal one.
This site is a comrade that has been around since I was a child. Looking back on this post, if I was to take the username and password in my saved password internet thingy and delete it, it would be beneficial to my life. But right now it is the only medium in which I can experience social interactions in my life!

1 comment: said...

Your post was definitely entertaining. I thought it was a lot of fun to read yet it was a little hard too. Although you were really funny I had a hard time understanding how both of the websites you spoke of were divided. As well as what they were really about. Like I said though, your tone and fun writing style make those other issues very small since what stands out is you humor.