Sunday, February 25, 2007

Post 7

These shovels were not made to be shoveling dirt. They were made to aesthetically please the rich eyes aristocrats in the seventeenth century ,also to intimidate the other neighbors who did not have the same caliber of faux shovels. These particular shovels were made by an artisan named Jefalor. There was no magic involved in making these shovels, just time and dedication above a hot forge and a sweaty brow.
A century later, a poor man found these shovels in the ruins of a castle on top of a mountain surrounded by a pristine lake filled with rocks at the bottom. He was so confused by the shovels. What can he do with shovel that couldn't dig? On the walk home, he accidentally pricked himself carrying them. These shovels were razor sharp, despite all the years of inactivity. Not that they were used really, like I said, they were used to please eyes.
Later that day, there was a sky of red tint. There were warriors on wolves coming over the mountains in front of setting sun. Back then, they rode wolves. Timber wolves.
The village that the peasant lived in had about four or five huts. They lived in a valley where trees and fruits were plentiful year long. Unfortunately, because they are in a valley, it is hard for them to escape if timber wolves riding warriors come over the mountain in front of a setting sun in the hazy red sky.
The peasant who cut with him self was bleeding profusely. He was too busy dealing with that when he got cut down by the warriors on wolves. The village people were slaughtered in the matter of minutes. While the warriors were feasting on the plentiful and savory fruit and vegetables, a volcano erupts from one of the mountains. The lava didn't actually flow in to the valley, it flowed on to the other side. However, dust fell on the village for three days straight. Village was preserved in dust.
Two hundred years later, archaeologist found the shovels and found them very interesting. They took pictures.

1 comment:

Ronit said...

Hey, what an interesting picture to pick. Most people did pictures of landscapes, because it seems to be easier to write a caption about. I like that you thought outside of the box on your by picking a picture of random objects. It is very hard to write 250 words about shovels! I like how you turned it into a story. It was actually very interesting and believable. It was also very descriptive, I like the part about the red sky. Those shovels are cool looking too. It doesn’t seem like they would be very useful for digging though!