Sunday, April 8, 2007

Post 12

The picture intended to appeal to my sexually, and it has. What attracted me to this ad sexually? The figure of her body is amazing and draws me in instantly. It has a very waif look that compels me to look up and down at the picture many times.
Her face is an important aspect to notice as well in terms of sexual appeal. We are unable to see her eyes at all. The large bangs cover that up completely. A mysterious air is about her because of that. I can tell she has high cheek bones which is very attractive though, and her mouth has a pleasant shape. Her hand is placed near her mouth which can't help me but wonder what kind of person she is. Is she innocent, timid, or knows that gesture turns men on?
One last thing about the sex appeal is that her hand is through her shirt. This does make it hard to judge her chest, but in a way makes me intrigued even more. This ad plain out is appealing to my dream girl. It definitely got me, bad. (Also definitely appropriate, even for children.)
There was no extreme exaggeration of pathos in this ad. No slippery slope, no scare tactic, or anything. Just plain out a very attractive woman with a designer name. Although, there is a little ambiguousness though. If you buy an Calvin Klein apparel, you may or may not perhaps be stunningly beautiful. I'm guessing this woman would be in the top 98% percentile of attractiveness. (In my eyes)
This is a tough call indeed. When I see the ad I just see a beautiful woman, I could care less about the designer. But the ad is all about the designer, so who is it appealing to? I'm guessing women would be more impacted by this ad of an attractive lady. This is pathos for them, and it is indeed exaggerating. Not all woman are that beautiful, and buying a brand certainly won't make you more beautiful. Going for insecure women maybe..
In my opinion this ad is unfair for the majority of the woman who read it, as it an unreal view of most woman. So it does exaggerate pathos in that respect.

1 comment:

Hagia Sophia said...

you bring up an interesting point that kind of takes away from the whole point of these designers using sex appeal in their advertising. the fact that you are attracted to the image and could really care less about what it's promoting. i can definitely see how for males, the thing being advertised really wouldn't matter since you're not about to go buy a pair of CK women's underwear for yourself after seeing that ad. the ad is created to attract women to buy the product because men find it attractive right?